Offering Educational Services During Residential Placement
Three Rivers Treatment Center lets patients attend the Three Rivers Academy during their stay year-round. We offer educational services taught by licensed and certified teachers for both patients and their loved ones to participate in.
About the School
We employ a principal who directly oversees our academic programs and educational staff. Students qualifying for special educational services will follow an active individualized education plan (IEP) by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Virginia state requirements.
Those who do not qualify for the special services will receive an individualized education performance plan (IEPP). Family and community contacts are regularly updated concerning their academic progress and follow-up needs upon their return to society.
Tailored to Patients’ Needs
Our treatment and educational goals are designed to complement the patient. These will also prepare the youth to return successfully back to their homes and community school.
Our educational professionals will align the educational services to the patient’s home school at the time of admission as well as during stay and discharge. Each patient will also receive a comprehensive educational evaluation coordinated with the family and his/her school.
Promotes the Value of Learning
While at the academy, every patient and their families will be involved in guiding educational processes. Patients will also be encouraged to come and appreciate the value of learning, develop skills to direct their learning, and experience being successful at school.
Our Difference
We partner with the local school district to ensure patients are provided with a program that meets standards of the Virginia Department of Education and requirements established in the federal IDEA.
Our educational staff will also be involved in post-discharge follow-up with families and the patient’s local school.